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Gibbs Law Group LLP provides the material on this web site for informational purposes only, and does not guarantee that it is correct, complete or up to date. It is not intended nor will it substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney. Gibbs Law Group LLP represents plaintiffs on a contingent basis, advancing the court costs and expenses of the litigation, and obtaining its fees and reimbursement of costs and expenses from any recovery. If litigation is not successful, Gibbs Law Group LLP does not hold the client responsible for any fees, costs or expenses. No prior results, representations, testimonials, or endorsements on this web site constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of any legal matter.
None of the information on this web site constitutes legal advice or opinion relating to any reader’s specific situation, nor will reading the information on this site or contacting Gibbs Law Group LLP by e-mail by itself create an attorney-client relationship. No person should act or refrain from acting based on any information posted on this site, unless he or she has first secured the advice of a licensed attorney.
This web site and its contents might be considered advertising under your state’s laws and ethical rules governing the practice of law. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. To the extent that your state’s bar rules require the designation of an office and/or attorney responsible for this site, Gibbs Law Group LLP designates Eric Gibbs, as the attorney responsible for this site, who may be reached at: Gibbs Law Group LLP, 1111 Broadway, Suite 2100, Oakland, CA 94607. Telephone: 510-350-9700.