Breast Implants Lymphoma Lawsuit Investigation
FDA recalls Allergan textured breast implants due to lymphoma risk
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has requested that Allergan issue a recall of its textured breast implants after these specific implants were found to be increase women’s risk of a rare cancer called BIA-ALCL. Our personal injury lawyers are investigating Allergan on behalf of those who have experienced health problems related to these implants.
Used Allergan Textured Breast Implants?
If you have experienced health problems as a result of your textured breast implants, contact our personal injury lawyers today. All consultations are free and confidential.
Allergan Breast Implant Recall: FDA pulls implants, due to 600% increase in lymphoma risk
The FDA has discovered that out of the 573 unique cases of BIA-ALCL globally, 481 of these cases were attributed to Allergan implants. Additionally, out of the 33 patient deaths due to BIA-ALCL, 12 of these patients are known to have had Allergan breast impants at the time of their cancer diagnosis.
FDA Principle Deputy Commissioner Amy Abernethy stated
Although the overall incidence of BIA-ALCL appears to be relatively low, once the evidence indicated that a specific manufacturer’s product appeared to be directly linked to significant patient harm, including death, the FDA took action to alert the firm to new evidence indicating a recall is warranted to protect women’s health.
Following the release of this information, the FDA has concluded that women with Allergan BIOCELL textured implants are approximately six times more likely to be diagnosed with BIA-ALCL than women with textured implants from other manufactures in the U.S. According to CNN, one FDA director estimates that hundreds of thousands of women currently have these Allergan implants.
If you have Allergan textured implants, speak with an experienced attorney today. You may be eligible for recovery.
Our Pharmaceutical Litigation Experience
In addition to our work with Allergan patients, we represent diabetes patients who contracted bladder cancer after taking Actos, people who suffered internal bleeding injuries while taking Pradaxa blood thinners, adolescent boys who developed breast growth after taking Risperdal, and men who suffered cardiovascular complications after taking prescription testosterone supplements. Our attorneys have extensive experience advocating for women’s and children’s health in cases against the manufacturers of Yaz birth control, the Mirena IUD, and transvaginal mesh implants, as well as SSRIs associated with birth defects.