Natural Remedy False Advertising Lawsuits

September 30, 2011

Recent Natural Remedy False Advertising Class Action Lawsuits

Class action lawsuits against Natural Balance, Inc., and Boiron USA, Inc., are part of a recent surge in false advertising lawsuits relating to the marketing of herbal remedies, supplements, and homeopathic drugs. A petition by The James Randi Educational Foundation to several major drugstore companies echoed the sentiment behind the class actions: “consumers should be able to trust their local drug store to sell products that will help them, and not deny them the facts about products that are known to be useless”.

Cobra Natural Remedy Class Action Lawsuit

In November 2010, consumers filed a case against Natural Balance, Inc., alleging the use of misleading labels in connection with Cobra Sexual Energy products. The product allegedly consists of a “proprietary blend” of small amounts of extracts from roots, herbs, and other organic substances purported to increase “sexual energy.” However, the consumers allege that, “many of the ingredients in Cobra have never apparently been studied, or shown to have any effect on the human body, much less to increase ‘sexual energy.’”

Boiron “Oscillo” Misleading Label Class Action Lawsuits

In August 2010 and again in September 2011, consumers brought three separate lawsuits against the homeopathic drug company Boiron USA, Inc. based on allegations that the company used misleading product labels to market its homeopathic products Oscillococcinum (or Oscillo) and Children’s Coldcalm. According to consumers, Oscillo’s labeling indicated that the product “relieves flu-like symptoms” such as “feeling run down,” “headaches,” “body aches” and “chills.” Likewise, consumers noted that Boiron claims that Children’s Coldcalm provides relief from “sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, sinus pain” and more. However, consumers argue that the each drug’s active ingredients “provide no medical benefit” and “has no effect of any kind in humans” due in part, but not entirely, to their level of dilution.

Victim of Natural Remedies False Advertising?

Decieved into purchasing a product advertised as a natural remedy? Free and confidential evaluations are available with one of our false advertising lawyers by calling toll free (866) 981-4800 or filling out the form to the right.

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Oakland, CA 94607

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