Axiron Lawsuits

Axiron & Heart Attack or Stroke

Axiron is a topical testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) gel manufactured by Lilly USA, Inc. Axiron is a prescription medication that treats “Low T,” or low testosterone levels in men. Symptoms of Low T can include decreased strength and energy, mood changes, decreased libido, and erectile dysfunction.

Axiron was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in November 2010 and remains the only TRT product that is applied directly to the underarms.

Recent studies have reported that TRT products may be linked to an increased risk of serious cardiac events, such as heart attack and stroke. These risks are not listed on the product warning labels; however, on January 31, 2014, the FDA announced that it would launch an investigation into the potential cardiovascular side effects associated with Low T products, including Axiron.

Other Testosterone Products

There are currently several TRT products on the market. Other popular products include: AngroGel, Androderm, Bio-T Gel, Delatestryl, Depo-Testosterone, Fortesta, Striant; Testim, and Testopel.

Injured by Testosterone Therapy Products?

The personal injury lawyers at Gibbs Law Group LLP are investigating the link between testosterone replacement therapy products and serious side effects, including heart attack and stroke. If you or a loved one took testosterone supplements and suffered serious side effects, you may have a legal right to pursue financial compensation for your injuries of other damages.

Please fill out the form to the right or call (866) 981-4800 for a free, confidential consultation.

Gibbs Law Group LLP


1111 Broadway, Suite 2100

Oakland, CA 94607

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