Testosterone Therapy Mass Tort

Why Testosterone Treatment Lawsuits are Not Class Actions

The testosterone therapy treatment lawsuits are not part of a class action lawsuit, but are actually a group of individually filed cases known as a mass tort lawsuit. Mass tort lawsuits involve multiple personal injury lawsuits where each victim allegedly suffered injuries because of a specific product or adverse event, such as a heart attack after using AndroGel, for example. Each person allegedly injured by the drug has his or her own individual case and attorney representing him or her, but many victims also typically share similar grievances and allegations against the same companies or for the same or similar products or adverse events.

To address and potentially resolve these similar grievances and allegations, the courts often coordinate all the federal cases in a mass tort lawsuit into multidistrict litigation (MDL), which is centralized in one court with one judge. The nature of an MDL helps to resolve common legal and factual questions before the individual aspects of each lawsuit can be examined.

Injured by Testosterone Supplements?

If you or a loved one has been prescribed and used testosterone supplements in pill, gel, or injection form and suffered adverse cardiovascular side effects, Gibbs Law Group’ Testosterone Lawyers are interested in hearing from you. For a free consultation with a personal injury attorney, call toll-free (866) 981-4800, or fill out the form to the right.

Testosterone Therapy Litigation

Lawsuits have been filed in Illinois federal court alleging that Abbott Laboratories Inc. and AbbVie Inc., manufacturers of AndroGel, the best-selling prescription testosterone supplement on the market, failed to warn consumers of the increased cardiovascular risks associated with the use of Low T supplements. Additional lawsuits have been filed in California, Pennsylvania, and in Illinois state court

The lawsuits were filed in the wake of studies published in PLOS ONE, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and The New England Journal of Medicine that link prescription testosterone therapy products, or “Low T” products, with an increased risk of heart attack in male patients 65 or older. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a safety alert on January 31, 2014, concerning the use of prescription testosterone treatments in men to address symptoms of Low T, or low testosterone, such as weight gain, loss of muscle, or decreased sexual performance. Though many testosterone therapy treatments are approved by the FDA, they are only approved for use in men who have been diagnosed with Low T in conjunction with another, related medical condition.

Gibbs Law Group LLP


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Oakland, CA 94607

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