Holberton School ISA Lawsuit Investigation
Former students forced to pay, even if they didn't graduate
Many students at coding bootcamp Holberton School pay no tuition upfront after signing an Income-Sharing Agreement (ISA). Holberton School allegedly told students their ISA wouldn’t require payments until after graduation. Unfortunately, many former Holberton students report being on the hook for paying Holberton even if they dropped out or were expelled.
If this happened to you, our consumer protection attorneys can review your ISA contract for free. You may have a claim.
Didn't graduate from Holberton, but forced to pay?
Contact our consumer protection attorneys for a free and confidential consultation.
Holberton School's ISA Criticism
Instead of paying tuition upfront or taking out loans, Income Sharing Agreements (ISAs) allow students to defer payments until after they find a job. At Holberton School, ISAs require 17% of a former student’s income if they make $40,000 or more—a percentage criticized by a UC Berkeley professor as “really high.”
Three former Holberton School students told CBSN Bay Area that they picked the school precisely because they couldn’t afford upfront tuition at other coding bootcamps. “I could not afford to pay for boot camp so [the ISA] was definitely the main selling point,” says one student.
But after one student was expelled by Holberton School and returned to his old non-coding job, according to Harper’s Magazine, he was still on the hook for his ISA. Harper’s reports that Holberton School took up to a quarter of his paycheck after taxes. The student says he had to turn to his grandfather’s Social Security payments to help buy groceries for the whole family: “He’d hand me some bills when I was on my way to the store…that was the worst feeling.”
If you were harmed by an ISA from Holberton or other schools, our consumer protection attorneys may be able to help. Contact us today.