What is an Overtime Lawsuit?
Federal law requires employers to pay their employees overtime pay for time worked in excess of 40 hours in a work week at a rate of no less than one and a half their regular rate. Some states have adopted their own overtime laws. Employers in these states must follow whichever law is more favorable to the employee. Overtime class action lawsuits arise when an employer tries to avoid paying their employees deserved overtime.
Does my employer owe me overtime?
The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires that employers pay non-exempt employees overtime. Unfortunately, employers can violate federal and state overtime pay laws in a variety of ways. Common abuses include:
- Misclassifying an employee as exempt
- Requiring employees to work off-the-clock
- Incorrectly calculating overtime pay
How can I start an Overtime Class Action?
If an employer does not properly pay their employees for overtime, employees can bring an employment class action to recover back wages that they are entitled to. Under the FLSA, an employee may be entitled to recover liquidated damages or an award of additional compensation, up to an amount equal to the unpaid overtime.
Employment Overtime Class Action Questions?
Do you think your employer owes you overtime pay? Free and confidential evaluations are available with our employment attorneys by calling toll-free (866) 981-4800 or by filling out the form to your right.