Misleading Securities Statements

Protecting investors from false & misleading securities statements

Investors rely on corporate disclosures and other public statements about securities in order to decide whether to invest. Both state and federal securities laws prohibit false or misleading statements in the sale of securities, but unfortunately companies often fail to comply with these requirements.

Investors can suffer significant financial losses as a result of false or misleading statements. At Gibbs Law Group LLP, our securities attorneys represent investors to recover their losses and stop fraud in the sales of securities.

Suffer Losses from False or Misleading Statements?

Talk to a securities lawyer, free


Securities Laws Prohibit False or Misleading Statements

One of the federal securities laws that deals with securities statements is the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Under the Securities Exchange Act, Rule 14a-9 was enacted to prohibit false or misleading statements. Rule 14a-9 states:

No solicitation … shall be made by means of any proxy statement, form of proxy, notice of meeting or other communication, written or oral, containing any statement which, at the time and in the light of the circumstances under which it is made, is false or misleading with respect to any material fact, or which omits to state any material fact necessary in order to make the statements therein not false or misleading …

Under federal securities laws investors and others harmed by false or misleading statements can file civil lawsuits to recover their losses.

SEC Whistleblowers

Gibbs Law Group encourages persons who know about possible securities violation to contact the firm. Under the SEC whistleblower laws promulgated under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, whistleblowers may be receive a reward of up to 30 percent of the recovery for information leading to a successful enforcement action by the SEC and are protected from employer retaliation. If you believe that you have information about a securities violation, please contact us.

Our Financial Fraud Experience

Gibbs Law Group's financial fraud and securities lawyers have more than two decades of experience prosecuting fraud. The firm has successfully litigated against some of the largest companies in the United States, and has recovered more than a billion dollars on clients' behalf.

We represent individuals, whistleblowers, employees, and small businesses across the U.S. against the world's largest corporations. Our award-winning lawyers have achieved landmark recoveries and over a billion dollars for our clients in high-stakes class action and individual cases involving consumer protection, data breach, digital privacy, and federal and financial fraud lawsuits. Our attorneys have received numerous honors for their work, including “Top Plaintiff Lawyers in California,” “Top Class Action Attorneys Under 40,” “Consumer Protection MVP,” “Best Lawyers in America,” and “Top Cybersecurity/ Privacy Attorneys Under 40.

About Us

Gibbs Law Group is a California-based law firm committed to protecting the rights of clients nationwide who have been harmed by corporate misconduct. We represent individuals, whistleblowers, employees, and small businesses across the U.S. against the world’s largest corporations. Our award-winning lawyers have achieved landmark recoveries and over a billion dollars for our clients in high-stakes class action and individual cases involving consumer protection, data breach, digital privacy, and federal and California employment lawsuits. Our attorneys have received numerous honors for their work, including “Top Plaintiff Lawyers in California,” “Top Class Action Attorneys Under 40,” “Consumer Protection MVP,” “Best Lawyers in America,” and “Top Cybersecurity/ Privacy Attorneys Under 40.”
titan of plaintiffs bar award
best law firm ranking
chambers USA leading firms award
daily journal top plaintiff lawyers award
Gibbs Law Group LLP


1111 Broadway, Suite 2100

Oakland, CA 94607

© Gibbs Law Group LLP 2025